Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Refill Reuse!

Our first family change is: No more disposable water bottles. I was wanting to find a water bottle that was close to the same size as the disposable ones. I like using the little flavor packets so I needed one that was no more then 20 ounces. I found a great one at Hyvee it is Rubbermaid brand. It is leak proof, and fits into standard sized cup holders. I also found the boys really cute little stainless steel ones from whole foods. They are a little pricey but I figured if we use them everyday it will be worth it!
On average for a family of four we use around 1,460 water bottles a year! It is a small change but it adds up, I have to remember that even the small changes make a difference!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Women's triathlon

I am so excited, my sister and I are signing up for a women’s triathlon on August 28th. It will be a fun way to get active. This is out of my comfort zone, I am a little nervous about it. Especially because I only have a month to train for it. It sounds like it is a fun non-threatening introduction to the sport. It should be a fun experience. I will keep everyone updated!


Here are a few things we as a family would like to see happen this next year:

*We want to start eating more organic, natural foods.
*Neil and I have committed to run a half marathon May 2011
*Find ways to help those less fortunate
*teach our children the importance of recycling
*be active EVERYDAY
*Become greener
*totally cut processed foods
*be aware of what we are putting in our bodies
These are just some of the lifestyle changes we want to make over the next year.


Since having children I have had a burning desire to make changes in my life. I have been a mother for four years now and though a lot about my life has changed in the past four years there are still so many things I want to do. I want my kids to grow up in a healthy, happy, safe home. I want them to respect God, themselves, others, and our planet. Every day I think about little steps we could take to make our world a better place, and things we could do to make ourselves healthier.
I am creating this bog as a 1 year commitment to not only think about, but to DO these things. I want my kids to start making healthy choices NOW and not have to try to do it when they are adults. So my plan is this: Each week my family will be making a lifestyle change (big and small). Each week I will post new recipes, websites, encouragement, failures, successes, ex. My goal is in one year from now we will be a healthier, happier, greener family! I encourage anyone reading this to really look at your own lifestyle and see if there is anything you can do for yourself, your family, others and your environment to make a difference.
Carrie Underwood has an amazing song called “change” I think it is a great “theme” song for this blog.
What'cha gonna do with the 36 cents
Sticky with Coke on your floorboard
When a woman on the street is huddled in the cold
On a sidewalk vent trying to keep warm
Do you call her over hand her the change
Ask her a story ask her her name
Or do you tell yourself

You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world
You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world

What'cha gonna do when you're watching t.v.
And an ad comes on
Yeah you know the kind
Flashin' up pictures of a child in need
For a dime a day you can save a life
Do you call the number reach out a hand
Or do you change the channel call it a scam
Or do you tell yourself

You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world
Don't listen to them when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world
Oh the smallest thing can make all the difference
Love is alive Don't listen to them when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world

The worlds so big it could break your heart
And you just wanna help
But not sure where to start
so you close your eyes
Send up a prayer into the dark

You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world
Don't listen to them when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world
Oh the smallest thing can make all the difference
Love is alive
Don't you listen to them when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world